DAFFY London
Louise Bagnall
Cartoon Saloon
Raoul Barbet
David Barton
Cubic Motion
Will Byles
Supermassive Games
Steven Caulkin
Stephanie Dominguez
Global Barn
Renato Dos Anjos
Pascal Etangsale
The Moving Picture Company
Jez Hall
Brown Bag Films
Lauren Indovina
Curtis Jobling
Gabrielle Kent
Teesside University
Michel Koch
Emil Kraftling
Avalanche Studios
Dan Lund
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Ian McClellan
MMC Creative
Neil McKnight
Foundry 42
Stephen Murray
Gary Napper
Louise O'Connor
Microsoft Rare Ltd
Dave Paget
Sumo Digital
Sarah Perry
Shapes in Motion
Christine Phelan
Rhianna Pratchett
Elizabeth Rega
Western University of Health Sciences, California
Liam Russell
Derek Sakamoto
Blizzard Entertainment
Sabrina Schmid
Shaun Spalding
Stuart Sumida
California State University, San Bernardino
Alessandro Taini
Ninja Theory
Alan Thorn
Matthew Trevelyan Johns
Alex Trowers
Independent Developer
Robin Webb
Independent Animator
Andrew Whitehurst
Double Negative
Austin Wintory
Ken Wong
Chris Wyatt