VFX Supervisor / Director
Andrew ‘Daffy’ is a well respected VFX supervisor turned director focussing mainly in the area of Virtual Reality. Starting at world renowned vfx facility Framestore, his entry role as Junior Animator at 19 soon rolled into head of 3D Commercials just 5 years later. He helped win the pitch for BBC’s Walking with Dinosaurs, animated sequences on the Chemical Brothers video ‘Salmon Dance’, worked on James Bond title sequences, and supervised a great many legendary jobs like Levi’s ‘Odyssey’, Johnnie Walker ‘Fish’ and X Box ‘Mosquito’. He and his various teams across the globe have accumulated over 30 international awards, and he won the accolade of Maya Master in 2004. He then set up The House of Curves where he supervised projects such as Soulwax ‘Machine’ and the opener to The Inbetweeners Movie. And then directed a multi screened fashion show for Louis Vuitton, the music video for Ting Tings video ‘Do It Again’ and discovered VR via the Avengers. DAFFY DOT LONDON sees him full time directing. ROOK, a VR chess game with a minimal twist. KIT, his VJ software geared towards playing GIFs in music festivals, and his VR aquatic opus HIDDEN is scheduled for production in 2016.
Events featuring Daffy
Sick VR
On his long term journey to bring his own VR projects to life, Daffy was thrown into the deep end last Spring at FRAMESTORE NEW YORK by directing the AVENGERS VR EXPERIENCE for the new Samsung GearVR headsets. Armed with tales of reckless rule breaking, 360 previsualisation and a lot of nausea along the way, he recounts his experiences in this very new unchartered territory. As well as discussing the rendering and technical aspects of making VR, his focus is on story, 360 previz and the psychological importance of defining the VR ‘self’. AVENGERS VR is chart topper in the Oculus Store and is currently used by Samsung to demo the Gear VR in their stores worldwide. It will be available to see by finding Daffy in and around the festival.
AVFXPhotoreal by Teatime
DAFFY has been working in VFX for over 20 years, both in a supervisory role in major studios such as Framestore and The Mill and also within his own studio. This combination of high end and low rent has allowed him to sift through various processes, and cherry pick his own brew of CGI VFX development that is full proof, lightning fast yet gives world class results.
From prepping and buying the equipment for a shoot all the way to delivering comps in the correct colour space, DAFFY will go through every principle involved in VFX, giving quick demonstrations, and vital tips within each discipline. Using a recently completed real world project, he’ll also discuss his open honest sharing policy that he has with clients.
By showing the lowest cost equipment, isolating the key tools and plugins and using models downloaded from Turbosquid, he shows techniques which are accessible to anyone in a semi-professional capacity, and by the end of the day, he’ll have worked his way through the entire pipeline, and have renders and comps to show for it.
Although this is an overview of the whole process, and different people will choose alternative kit on their own production, DAFFY hopes to inform his audience about what things to be aiming to achieve and what to improve on from one production to the next.
Areas covered
- Prepping a shoot, equipment needed.
- Shoot checklist
- Creating HDRI’s
- Planning a pipeline
- Modelling do’s and dont’s
- The Rigging Road Test
- Usable Walk cycle in 20 minutes
- Fast texturing cheats
- An Arnold HDRI lighting setup
- Basic Render Passes
- Compositing in After Effects
Kit and software used.
- Mac Pro and Mac Book Pro
- Maya (with Arnold)
- Photoshop
- After Effects (with RSMB and Frischluft)
- Tracking software
- PhotoScan Regular
- PT GUI Pro
- Canon 5D mkIII
- Fish Eye Lens
- Tripod
- Wacom Pad
- Google Sheet
- Dropbox
One session (full day)
100 places £25
Lunch break 12.30pm - 1.30pm