Animex Pro

For Animex Pro Pass holders, masterclasses, specialist talks, and networking sessions.

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For Animex Pro Pass holders only, if you’re looking to expand your current knowledge of VFX, animation and games then Animex Pro is the right place for you! Aimed towards those who want to build on their existing knowledge, Animex Pro features exclusive talks and networking events for those looking to improve and get professional advice.

Animex Pro Pass gives you access to everything in the Animex Pass AND the exclusive talks, workshops and networking opportunities mentioned here!

18 May 22

Middlesbrough Town Hall | TS1 2QJ

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Developing Company Culture

Phil Attfield | NextGen Skills Academy
Amy Smith | Framestore

Skills shortages are reported at all levels of creative careers in games, animation and VFX studios. This session includes case studies and expert observations on how businesses can develop a skills learning culture and the intersection of skills with developing a diverse and inclusive workforce, while addressing skills issues.


Developing Video Games: The perfect mix of tech and art

Liz Beer | Ubisoft Reflections
Lucía Vázquez Vaquero | Ubisoft Leamington
Aleksandra Stasiak | Ubisoft Leamington

In this talk we will cover briefly all the aspects Technical Art can cover - with a deeper dive into UI, animation, rigging and art optimisation.


UX-pected me to talk about UI: Prioritising the players’ perspective throughout your game

Chloe Patricia Hodgson | Ubisoft Reflections

The role of a User Experience (UX) designer in games is different than in other industries. Despite the common label of ‘UI/UX’, the user-centered mindset should impact all phases of your project’s development to not only ensure usability, but power meaningful experiences for your players. This talk will cover an introduction to UX processes, how to begin taking UX beyond UI in games, and common barriers in fostering a culture of design which prioritises the players’ perspective.


Practical tools to implement in production to maintain team creativity and health

Pete Bottomley | White Paper Games

In this talk, Peter breaks down production techniques that White Paper Games have implemented over the past 10 years whilst shipping their original IP titles. We dig into team structure, communication, reflections, pipelines and processes that can be applied across a range of real-time industries with the aim of maintaining the balance between creativity and our teams mental and physical health.


Sifu: Road to 60fps

Lea Bruder | SloClap

How Sloclap approach high quality stylized art with high performance on consoles with a relatively small team.


From miniatures to 3D game assets. How we translate Games Workshop miniatures to workable and authentic 3D characters

Naomi Biro | Creative Assembly

Naomi Biro will discuss the flow of moving from examples of miniatures to making the concepts as well as creating 3D assets for game.