Anna Podedworna
Concept Artist
Anna Podedworna is a concept artist and illustrator at CD PROJEKT RED, where she is currently working on GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. While studying architecture and engineering, she discovered you can actually draw monsters for a living and decided to put her talent to work in the game industry.
Events featuring Anna Podedworna
Environment Speed Painting
Starting with black and white sketches, a variety of tools will demonstrated to create quick and effective environment designs. Topics such as colour, layout and texture will be covered to help provide you with a strong work flow that you can bring into your own work.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game – the art to creating compelling illustrations
Anna will walk you through everything from effective visual storytelling, maintaining quality under time constraints, staying true to the essence of the fictional universe you are working in and much more.
Animex GameGwent: The Witcher Card Game – the art to creating compelling illustrations
Anna will walk you through everything from effective visual storytelling, maintaining quality under time constraints, staying true to the essence of the fictional universe you are working in and much more.
Animex Game