Rosie Taylor
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Rosie Taylor

Charity Officer

Rosie is an avid video games enthusiast and advocate for mental health awareness, elimination of stigma and opening up the conversation to everyone. She has experience within the charity sector, previously providing key support to volunteers for large events and operations. Having been surrounded by games her entire life, and faced personal mental health challenges, she is passionate to work within the industry and make a difference.

Social Media

Facebook: Safe In Our World
Twitter: @SafeInOurWorld
Instagram: @SafeInOurWorld
LinkedIn: Safe In Our World

Events featuring Rosie Taylor

Mental Health and Wellbeing - Mental health and the games industry

Rosie Taylor | Safe In Our World
Sarah Sorrell | Safe In Our World

Safe in our world is a mental health charity focusing on the games industry and utilise a passion for playing games as a platform to talk about mental health and to destigmatise it. Although a relatively new charity Safe in our world has already had an impressive impact starting a moderated safer together discord server, an industry wide pledge programme working with some of the best-known publishers and developers to creative more supportive workplaces focusing on wellbeing; a website of useful resources and specific job role training focusing on mental health for customer facing roles.

Animex Talk