Dr Chun Chiang Sin Fai Lam
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Dr Chun Chiang Sin Fai Lam

Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist

I am a member of Gaming the Mind, a charity looking to improve the mental health of the video gaming community, including players and creators, across the UK. Through this organisation, I have been involved in various initiatives such as quiet spaces in gaming conventions, outreach programmes into universities regarding mental health and gaming, and involvement in NGO and governmental policy. I continue to be a keen gamer and I have seen how video games can bring people together in a positive way.I am also a full-time consultant psychiatrist working for the NHS in London. I have published on the topic of burnout and been involved in implementing staff support programmes.

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Events featuring Dr Chun Chiang Sin Fai Lam

Mental Health and Wellbeing - Burnout: Too exhausted to carry on

Dr Chun Chiang Sin Fai Lam | Gaming The Mind

Burnout is characterised by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal achievement within the workplace. It affects a significant proportion of people in the community secondary to work related stress. This talk would look at how it presents and what needs to be done to address it.

Animex Talk