Mark Davies

Mark Davies

Game Designer

Mark has been working as a designer at Naughty Dog for over 7 years, and has had the privilege to work on The Last of Us, The Last of Us: Left Behind and Uncharted 4. His work on these projects has been as a layout designer - creating spaces, scripting gameplay events and helping drive the narrative within them. He is currently working on The Last of Us: Part II. Before making the leap across the pond he was a Lead Designer at Ninja Theory, working on Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Heavenly Sword. Prior to that he was a Lead / Senior designer at Climax, getting started as an industry professional by cutting his teeth on PSOne era games like SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge. His shock at Animex 2014 was palpable when he realized people had actually played that game as kids and were now in the audience…