Chris Goodyear
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Chris Goodyear


Chris Goodyear is a deaf developer and freelance producer who started his own company, Many Cats Studios, to help bridge the gap between disabled and neurodiverse people and the games industry. He is passionate about highlighting the amazing skills and talents of disabled and neurodiverse people within the industry and ensuring everyone has a platform for their voice.

Chris Goodyear will be speaking at Animex Game about building accessibility into games.

Many Cats Studios

Chris Goodyear

Events featuring Chris Goodyear

Your Accessibility Career: From Student to Full-Fledge Developer

Chris Goodyear | Many Cats Studios

Accessibility is the new normal for development. A project can not afford to forget about it and be unsupportive to their players. But if your a novice with accessibility, where do you start? Whether you are a student or developer, Chris will help you get started and learning about accessibility.

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