Liz Fiacco graduated from Chapman University with a degree in Digital Arts before becoming an area designer at Obsidian Entertainment, working on games such as Pillars of Eternity, and South Park: Stick of Truth. She is a game designer at Naughty Dog, where she designed the flashback levels in Uncharted 4 and is currently working on The Last of Us Part II. She’ll be talking about #Blocktober, prototyping, and the process of iteration.
Events featuring Liz Fiacco
Storytelling for Game Designers
The workshop is structured around adapting a film into a game, where attendees works on design challenges to hit narrative goals and character beats from the movie. It’ll cover design problems that arise in narrative games such as tutorials, game loops, agency & choice, player progression, cutscenes vs gameplay, and genre conventions. Participants should come prepared to discuss, analyze, give and recieve feedback, and work in groups to solve design challenges.
Prototype to Production
Audiences rarely get to see what games look like before the art, sound and performances bring them to life, but it is actually what developers see for most of a project. Last October, the hashtag #blocktober offered some insight into what levels look like in blockmesh, and this talk will dive further into what makes a blockmesh useful and how to make the most of pre-production on a game. Liz Fiacco is excited to share why she and her colleagues at Naughty Dog celebrate #blocktober, and the process of asking questions and failing fast that hones a game from prototype to production.
Animex GamePrototype to Production
Audiences rarely get to see what games look like before the art, sound and performances bring them to life, but it is actually what developers see for most of a project. Last October, the hashtag #blocktober offered some insight into what levels look like in blockmesh, and this talk will dive further into what makes a blockmesh useful and how to make the most of pre-production on a game. Liz Fiacco is excited to share why she and her colleagues at Naughty Dog celebrate #blocktober, and the process of asking questions and failing fast that hones a game from prototype to production.
Animex Game