Emil Pagliarulo
Design director
Emil Pagliarulo has been in the video game industry for twenty years, working briefly as a reviewer before moving into development. He got his start at Looking Glass Studios in Massachusetts as a designer on the Thief series, but has spent the majority of his career at Bethesda Game Studios, where he’s served as senior designer and writer of Skyrim, lead designer and Writer of Fallout 3 and 4, Writer of Fallout Shelter, and now design director. He spends his free time playing video games, watching his four kids play video games, or thinking about writing a novel (while actually writing stuff for video games).
Events featuring Emil Pagliarulo
So, what's the story... with Bethesda's stories?
Join Emil as he dives into Bethesda's approach to telling stories in games such as Skyrim and Fallout, and the three general rules that he applies when doing so.
Animex Game